Lower Your Housing Costs: Buy, Do Not Rent

Are you renting now? Have you been renting for several years? Is your rent increasing…again!? I suggest a possible solution so you will be lowering your housing costs and increasing your wealth. Consider buying a home. If you are approved for a 30-year fixed rate...

Are Online Home Valuations Accurate?

The short answer is NO. But say you want to sell your home. OR you want to BUY a home! Either way, you’ll want to know the real value of the home. Where can you go for a quick answer? Look up “Online Home Valuations” in Google. You’ll return almost 82 million (!)...

How To Receive The Most Accurate Credit Score

There are three questions you should ask about your Credit Score. Wait. What? Credit scores? As you get back to your routine after the holidays, the first of the year is a good time to think about your credit score, and especially if you’re thinking of buying a home,...