by admindan | Oct 5, 2021 | Loan Programs, Money Tip
Did you know that you may be able to negotiate a better rate on your loan, .125%, .25%, even up to .50% lower rate?? Solution: Dan The Man For Mortgages Having worked in mortgage lending for 34 years, seeing the internal operations of all types of lenders and...
by admindan | Sep 28, 2021 | Loan Programs, Money Tip
Interested in getting cash from your home to pay off credit card balances, upgrade your home, buy a second home, invest, or help a family member with a down payment to purchase a home? Solution: Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) for up to $700k to 70% combined loan...
by admindan | Sep 21, 2021 | Financial Information, Money Tip
If you inherit your parents’ home in a trust, plan to keep it, need cash-out to settle sibling(s)’ needs, etc., and want to keep the property tax basis the same, 99% of the lenders can’t do your loan correctly. Don’t get screwed on your loan. Solution: Only 1%...
by admindan | Aug 31, 2021 | Financial Information, Money Tip
Should you buy a home in this hot price market? Solution: Most likely. In my 34 years in mortgage lending and real estate, owning a home has usually been one of the best investments over the long-term. Recently Mark Fleming, chief economist at First American Research,...
by admindan | Aug 24, 2021 | Loan Programs, Money Tip
Do you want a better chance of your purchase mortgage loan being approved? YES! Solution: Starting September 18, Fannie Mae will include twelve months of positive rental payments history in its underwriter program in the loan approval process. Borrowers must: Be...
by admindan | Aug 17, 2021 | Financial Information, Money Tip
If you have not refinanced, I highly recommend beginning the process soon. Why? The Federal Reserve Bank will probably stop buying mortgage backed securities early next year. The announcement will likely occur next month. Traders on Wall Street will anticipate it....