by admindan | Jul 14, 2021 | Financial Information, Money Tip
Everybody wants to know the direction of mortgage interest rates. People ask me all the time. I should know, I’ve been working on mortgage lending for 34 years and am an expert in pricing and hedging loans. So, if you are still looking to refinance or purchase a home...
by admindan | May 4, 2021 | Financial Information, Money Tip
Want to save on taxes? Who doesn’t! Are you concerned about capital gains taxes associated with the sale of your appreciated real estate or any appreciated asset, especially after the passing of Prop. 19? Solution: Use Qualified Opportunity Funds – a tax...
by admindan | Mar 2, 2021 | Financial Information, Money Tip
In the last 30 years, mortgage rates are near their lowest point in history. Are you still considering refinancing? Solution: Lock NOW Why? In the last 30 years, mortgage rates are within the bottom 10% of all time. A good example is picking the best time to buy and...
by admindan | Feb 24, 2021 | Financial Information, Money Tip
If you have not refinanced yet, you better get the rate locked in NOW. Mortgage rates bottomed December 30th. Now that multiple vaccines are rolling out, infections are down and it appears herd immunity may be reached as early as April, the economy is already starting...
by admindan | Feb 9, 2021 | Financial Information, Money Tip
Do you know someone with a student loan and want to save $$$$$? Solution: Consider these 5 valuable tips on current policy and working with an expert. No need to pay your student loan and 0 interest accruing until 9/30/21. Consider refinancing your loan now to review...
by admindan | Dec 9, 2020 | Financial Information, Money Tip
Seriously, rates are at all-time lows. In my 32 years in mortgage lending, rates have not ever been this wonderful. Do you want to save $$$, a lot of money? Call me NOW to discuss a refinance. Benefits: Save money Spend savings on so many things You can donate to...