3 Reasons Why Having a Revocable Living Trust Can Save Money and Help You Buy a Home
This is a personal story, but I hope it helps you in buying a home, or perhaps it will help your kids buy a home...
First Time Home Buyer? Don’t Make These 8 Mistakes!
You’re excited because you’re going to finally own a home! It’s scary, too, because buying a home is one of the...
Housing Prices: Is Now a Good Time to Buy a Home?
For some perspective on the all-important US real estate market, and to help you see if now is a good time to buy a...
30 Questions to Ask a Realtor Before You Sign a Contract
Experience and Licensing 1. What is your license number? 2. Are you a full-time realtor? 3. How many times have you...
13 Reasons Not to Use Online Lenders for Purchasing a Home
When searching for a residential mortgage lender, should you use an online lender or rate comparison service? I say a...
17 Great Down Payment Ideas for Your First Home Purchase
Wondering how to save for the down payment on a home loan? Down payment definition: an initial amount deposited at the...
Should You Use a Credit Repair Company?
If you want to raise your credit score…should you use one of those “credit repair” companies or could the lender help?...
“No Closing Costs”: When to Say Yes!
Are closing costs keeping you from refinancing a mortgage? If so, a no-closing-cost mortgage may be for you. With this...
7 Great Options If Your Mortgage Loan Is DENIED
You were so excited! You found the house of your dreams, and you did mountains of paperwork for the mortgage loan. But...
Why Is One Mortgage Lender’s Rate Higher than Another?
Here are 5 reasons why 1. The rates you’re receiving may have been quoted on different days or even at different times...
How To Request a Mortgage Rate Quote: What the Lenders Don’t Tell You!
Do you trust the lender to give you the lowest rate? Do you know enough to make sure you're receiving the best...
11 Reasons to Find a Mortgage Lender NOW
WHAT’S THE HURRY? Well, have you ever heard about a buyer losing their dream home because the loan did not close in...
News Flash: Your Credit Score, Is It Wrong? 5 Tips on Why and How
1. DON'T BUY OR ACCEPT A FREE credit score from any third party companies! - It may be up to 100 points different than...
4 Risks of Low Down Payment Loans
(Here’s the Inside Scoop from Expert Dan Stone, Mortgage Fee Coach) In recent news, you’ve seen that more lenders are...
5 Ways to the Best Mortgage Loan
Mortgages and Sports High school football teams have coaches. College teams, too. But why do you think professional...
3 Free & Quick Ways to Combat Identity Theft
Here are 3 easy and free ways to keep your identity safer. I hope this helps you avoid any nasty surprises.” Use these...