Are you looking to refinance your high rate loan to a lower rate after purchasing a home in the last two years?
Beware: Some mortgage brokers may charge 1.50% points or more on your loan to stick it to you, so they can earn a lot of money at your expense!!!
Proof: A recent article on detailed a refi program being offered which capped the broker commission at 1.50 points. Some Loan Officers seemed to complain about the commission cap.
Example: $500k loan amount x 1.50 points = $7,500 commission
Do you believe that is excessive for a commission on one loan? I do.
Borrower beware, shop around for the best rate and terms on the same day, so you can compare quotes. Easier, ask me to shop in addition to your current lender. I’ll let you know if you can save A TON OF MONEY. Call me for quotes, 714-310-4162.
Rave review:
“Hey Dan, thank you so much for everything! My life has had many new challenges, and getting this loan was one of the most important things in my life for me and my kids. I appreciate everything that you have done to help me get back into my house and remain a home owner and keep stability. This helps me sleep at night to know that I really am doing everything I can to make life easier for them. So, thank you so much! I am truly grateful for all your help.” -Happy Client